Years GuP

(HI)STORIES mean experience

Disruption and transformation run through our history: advertising became advertising. From advertising communication. From analog to digital. From G + P GuP. To remain a pace-keeper in the process requires good intuition. Curiosity, flexibility and quick action are essential for this. And the courage to dare something new. We inherited this from our founders. And realigned the agency like a start-up: Agile, focused, motivated. With the experience of over 40 years Glanzer and Partner. (HI)STORIES mean experience. It is best demonstrated by customers and many years of cooperation.



Since 1980, we have worked for 290 customers from 13 German states: 142 from Baden-Württemberg (35 of them from Stuttgart). 46 from Bavaria. 8 from Rhineland-Palatinate. 21 from Hesse, 8 from Saarland. 30 from NRW. 2 from Saxony-Anhalt. 1 from Saxony. 2 from Hamburg. 1 from Bremen, 1 from Berlin, 9 from Lower Saxony, 4 from Schleswig-Holstein. And 15 from other European countries. On the road we are wherever it is necessary for our customers: Be it on photo/film productions or on trade fairs worldwide.


Figures. Data.



Customers since existence

0 %

percent owner-managed
and independent


and international awards


Highest number of employees


Company logos
made by GuP


Longest business relationship in years


Average age of the
GuP team in years (18-62)


Best ranking position
(w&v 2010)

TOP 5 of the long-term cooperation

38 years

Ringfoto GmbH & Co KG, Fürth

36 years

Kienast Schuhhandels GmbH & Co KG, Wedemark

33 years

Years Bettenring eG, Filderstadt

22 years

Years Globus Holding GmbH & Co. KG, St. Wendel

20 years

Years of Staatliche Toto-Lotto GmbH Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

"A client-agency relationship that has lasted since 1987. It's nice that something like this exists."

Peter-Phillip Kienast
Managing Director/CEO Kienast Schuhhandels GmbH & Co. KG

99 times awarded

Cannes Lions

The New York Festivals

The President's Commendation The Midsummer Awards

Art Directors Club Germany

Sales Cup

GWA Production Award

CMA Victus

Industry Winner Retail Yearbook
of Advertising